Canobolas Family Pet Hospital | Orange NSW

10 William St
Orange, NS 2800


When to come to the vet clinic

Seek immediate attention

  • Difficulty breathing – distress, noisy breathing purple gums or tongue, gasping, increased effort or rate of breathing
  • Altered level of consciousness – including collapse, staggering, tremors or convulsions
  • Suspected poisoning
  • Suspected snake bite
  • Heat stroke
  • Bleeding that does not stop after you have applied pressure
  • Inability to urinate or defecate – straining and continued efforts
  • Vomiting, diarrhoea or urination with any amount of blood
  • Trauma – such as fractures, penetrating wounds, burns
  • Severe pain
  • Difficulty in delivering puppies – if pushing for longer than 30 minutes without delivering a pup OR if has stopped pushing and has been 2 hours since the last pup born
  • Injuries to eyes
  • Bloated abdomen – if your pets abdomen is distended and uncomfortable


Seek same day attention

  • Bouts of vomiting or diarrhoea (more than 2 times)
  • Sudden lameness that is still present and painful an hour after it occurred
  • Ingestion of foreign objects
  • Severe skin irritation


Safe to wait overnight

  • Strange odours or discharge
  • Loss of appetite – missing one meal and no other signs of illness
  • Lameness that comes and goes with little to no pain
  • Mild skin conditions



If at any time you are unsure if your pet needs veterinary attention then please phone us for advice on 63626991